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Get Involved

When schools and local industry work together to support learning, children tend to succeed not just in school but also throughout life.  The incredible partnership between business and education has improved the overall learning of our young people, and will continue to help improve the economic climate and make Genesee County a community that young adults will want to chose as their home.

The success of the BEA depends on the support of the community and there are many different ways businesses and professionals can support the BEA:

  • Become a BEA Business Member - Your annual financial contribution helps support BEA programming such as business tours, mock interviews, career camps, career fairs, job shadows, and much more.  BEA Business Members pay annual dues and the membership fee is determined by the number of employees.  For more information on how you can become a BEA Business Member and help strengthen the workforce in our community, click HERE

  • Volunteer for Junior Achievement - The BEA is a proud partner of Junior Achievement (JA), a national organization that teaches students in grades K-12 about financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship skills.  JA's turnkey programs are taught by business professionals and community members and volunteers have the opportunity to inspire Genesee County's future workforce to own their own economic success.  Scheduling JA program lessons are flexible to the volunteer and partnering teacher's schedule and each lesson is about 30-45 minutes in length.  For more information on Junior Achievement, click HERE.  

  • Host a Job Shadow - The BEA Job Shadow program provides students with the opportunity to observe a work site related to their career/technical program or interests.  A job shadow typically lasts a half-day or full work day and scheduling is determined by the host site and student.

  • Help Conduct Mock Interviews - Mock interviews provide students with an opportunity to test out their interview skills with someone who isn't evaluating them for an actual job and mock interviewers can provide crucial feedback to help the students land their first real job (Genesee County schools arrange mock interviews throughout the school year).

  • Host a Student or Teacher Tour of Your Business - Hosting a site tour of your business is an excellent way to share information on your product/service and promotes careers within your industry.  The BEA will work with schools and businesses to coordinate a date and time to host a 1-2 hour tour (site tours can be hosted throughout the school year).

  • Participate in a Career Fair - Visit a local Genesee County school and share information on your chosen career and industry.  Career Fairs are an easy way to meet and talk with students about the skills needed and what kind of training or certification is required for a specific profession.

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